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1. Please indicate the type of service we provided for you. (required) Web Design &/Or Maintenance (Partnered w/4thDMC)Data Back Up &/Or RestoreO.S. Install &/Or Re-InstallPrograms InstalledHardware IssuesSoftware Issues Please Select All That Apply Above &/Or Enter Other Below.
2. Was the work completed to your satisfaction? YesNoOther (Please Indicate Below)
3. Was the work completed in a timely manner? YesNoOther (Please Indicate Below)
4. How well did we understand your questions and concerns? Extremely WellVery WellNeutralNot Very WellNot At All
5. How much time did it take us to address your questions and concerns? Much Shorter Than ExpectedShorter Than ExpectedAbout What I ExpectedLonger Than ExpectedMuch Longer Than Expected
6. Overall, how would you rate the quality of your customer service experience? Extremely PositiveSomewhat PositiveNeutralSomewhat NegativeExtremely Negative
7. How likely is it that you would recommend our services to a friend or colleague? (ZERO - Not Likely At All) 012345678910 - Extremely Likely
8. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns that will help us provide better service?
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